Title | Author(s) | DOI |
Bach, Reiche, and the Leipzig Collegia Musica | Don Smithers | |
Trombone Obligatos in Viennese Oratorios of the Baroque | Stewart Carter | |
A Brief Overview of Musical Ensembles with Brass Instruments in European Festivals of State | Edmund A. Bowles | |
Antique Trumpet Mutes | Jindrich Keller (translation) | |
Antique Trumpet Mutes: A Retrospective Commentary | Don Smithers | |
Keyed Bugle Method Books:Documents of Transition in 19th Century Brass Instrument Performance Practice and Asthetics | Ralph Dudgeon | |
The Mid-19th Century Brass Band - A Rebirth | Jon Borowicz | |
In Defense of the Serpent | Philip Palmer | |
New Symbols for Hand Positions in the Bell for Natural Horn | Francis Orval | |
A Bibliography of Writings About Historic Brass Instruments, 1988-89 | David Lasocki | |
Correspondence | Regular Feature | |
News of the Field | Regular Feature | |
President's Message | Jeffrey Nussbaum | |
Advertising | Advertising | |
Front Cover (PDF) | Front Cover | |
Historic Brass Journal - Volume 2 - 1990
Journal 1990