Historic Brass Journal - Volume 28 - 2016

HBJ 2016 Cover

Title Author(s) DOI
Table of Contents, President's Message, Monk Award Regular Features  
“Jauchzet!” Steven E. Plank https://doi.org/10.2153/0120160011001
L’ultimo sospiro: Cornetto Virtuosity between Bologna and Florence at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century Bruce Dickey: In honor of Edward H. Tarr https://doi.org/10.2153/0120160011003
Unlocking the Mysteries of the Venetian Cornett: ad imitar piu la voce humana Jamie Savan https://doi.org/10.2153//0120160011004
Trombone in sordino: Muted Trombones in the Baroque Era Howard Weiner https://doi.org/10.2153/0120160011005
Braun’s Gamme et Méthode pour les Trombonnes: Some New Evidence Fabien Guilloux: Translated by Maurice Whitehead https://doi.org/10.2153/0120160011006
Bass Horn and Upright Serpent in Germany Part 2: Bass horn (continued), English Bass horn, and FagottSerpent Herbert Heyde https://doi.org/10.2153/0120160011007
Aspects of the Late Keyed Trumpet: Some New Evidence Adrian v. Steiger https://doi.org/10.2153/0120160011008
Bruckner on Valve Trombone?— Low Brass Performance Practice in Anton Bruckner’s Works Bernhard Rainer: Translated by Howard Weiner https://doi.org/10.2153/0120160011009
The Vienna Horn: Its Acoustics and Playing Technique Gregor Widholm https://doi.org/10.2153/0120160011010
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS ABOUT BRASS INSTRUMENTS, 2015–2016 Eva M. Heater https://doi.org/10.2153/0120160011011
BRIEF STUDIES AND REPORTS: A Tudor Manuscript Granting Livery to the King’s “Shakbots” Trevor Herbert https://doi.org/10.2153/0120160011012
Reviews, Guidelines for Contributors Regular Features https://doi.org/10.2153/0120160011013