Title | Author(s) | DOI |
Table of Contents, William Waterhouse tribute, President's Message, Monk Award | Regular Features | |
Transmuting Silver into Gold: Cautionary Notes on the Iconography and Symbolism of Silver Trumpets | Randall Rosenfeld | https://doi.org/10.2153/0120070011001 |
The Schnitzer Family of Nuremberg and a Newly Rediscovered Trombone | Markus Raquet and Klaus Martius | https://doi.org/10.2153/0120070011002 |
A Window on the Horn in Early Nineteenth-Century Italy: The Brevi Cenni of Giovanni Simone Mayr | Gabriele Rocchetti | https://doi.org/10.2153/0120070011003 |
Theodore Hoch, the "Much Beloved Solo Cornetist of Bilse’s Capelle" | Edward H. Tarr | https://doi.org/10.2153/0120070011004 |
Bibliography of Writings About Historic Brass Instruments, 2006-07 | Compiled by David Lasocki | https://doi.org/10.2153/0120070011005 |
Reviews and Communications, Guidelines for Contributors | Regular Feature - Reviews by Ralph Dudgeon, John Purser, Steven Plank | https://doi.org/10.2153/01200700110006 |
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Historic Brass Journal - Volume 19 - 2007
Journal 2007