Title | Author(s) | DOI |
Table of Contents, Editor's Message, President's Message, Monk Award | Regular Features | |
Zorzi Trombetta da Modon and the Founding of the Band of Piffari and Tromboni of the Serenissima | Rodolfo Baroncini | 10.2153/0120040011001 |
A Possible Mid-Seventeenth-Century Source of Music for the Soprano Trombone | Peter Downey | 10.2153/0120040011002 |
Wind Instruments in the Anglo-German Consort Repertoire, ca. 1630-40: A Survey of Music by Johann Schop and Nikolaus Bleyer | Arne Spohr | 10.2153/0120040011003 |
The Doubtful Authenticity of Mozart's Horn Concerto K 412 | Benjamin Perl | 10.2153/0120040011004 |
The Köhler Family of Brasswind Instrument Makers | Lance Whitehead and Arnold Myers | 10.2153/0120040011005 |
A Bibliography of Writings About Historic Brass Instruments, 2003-2004 | Compiled by David Lasocki | 10.2153/0120040011006 |
Reviews | Regular Feature | 10.2153/0120040011007 |
Guidelines for Contributors | ||
Historic Brass Journal - Volume 16 - 2004
Journal 2004