Adolphe Sax Conference Proceedings

The publication of the proceedings of Adolphe Sax, His Influence and Legacy: A Bicentenary Conference has just been announced. The conference held at the Musical Instrument Museum in Brussels, was a celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great instrument maker and was co-sponsored by the Historic Brass Society. The proceedings will be a special issue of the Revue belge de Musicologie vol.70 (2016). The proceedings can be ordered at the postal address of the Society: Rue de la Régence 30, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium, or via e-mail to Olivia Wahnon This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The price is 40 Euros plus shipping (free shipping in Belgium, 9 Euros in Europe and 13 Euros in USA).
Editor’s note: at the time of this announcement the publication was not yet listed on their website:


Billiet, Jeroen, “Adolphe Sax en de conservatoria van Gent en Brussel: de spraakmakende experimenten met koperblazers met onafhankelijke ventielen (1869-1895)”

De Keyser, Ignace, “The Introduction of the Saxophone in Urban music in SubSaharan Africa”

Haine, Malou and Ignace De Keyser, “Le musée instrumental d’un artiste inventeur : la collection privée d’Adolphe Sax”

Haine, Malou, “Hector Berlioz, chantre inconditionnel d’Adolphe Sax”

Haine, Malou, “Un réseau d’influence : les démarches d’Adolphe Sax pour obtenir la croix d’officier de la Légion d’honneur”

Herbert, Trevor, “Adolphe Sax, His Saxhorns and Their International Influence”

Howe, Robert, “Adolphe Sax: Myths Noted and Debunked. Sax’s Brass Instrument Markings. The “Orchestral” Saxophones. Ophicleide-shaped Saxophones”

Péronnet, Patrick, “Saxons et Carafons : Adolphe Sax et le Gymnase musical militaire, un conflit d’esthétique”

Postma, Marten, “‘Le cône parabolique’? een onderzoek naar de boringsprofielen van Sax’ instrumenten"

Rice, Albert R., "The bass clarinets of Adolphe Sax: his influence and legacy”

Strauchen-Scherer, E. Bradley, “Museum piece: Mary Elizabeth Adams Brown and the instruments of the Sax family at the Metropolitan Museum of Art”

von Steiger, Adrian, “Sax Figures: Can We Deduce Details of Adolphe Sax’s Instrument Production from the Sources?”

Wahnon de Oliveira, Olivia, “De l’intérêt de Fétis pour les instruments Sax à la création de la classe de saxophone (1867) au Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles”