Call For Papers and Performances
Historic Brass Society
International Historic Brass Symposium
July 13-16, 2017
New York University
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Musical Instrument Collection
As at the 2012 Symposium in New York, many of the leading early brass performers, scholars, instrument makers, collectors, curators, and educators will be participating in our 2017 HBS International Symposium. Of special note will be the premiere performance of a newly commissioned composition for serpent and ophicleide, a special workshop and period-instrument performance of the music of James Reese Europe and the Harlem Hell Fighters 369th Regimental Band, as well as other performances and many lectures and round-table discussions.
The Historic Brass Society is accepting proposals for period brass instrument performances and early brass lectures. All early brass topics from Antiquity through to the 20th century will be considered. Please submit a one-page proposal for either a performance or lecture. Lectures will be 20 minutes with an additional 10 minute question and discussion period added. Performances typically are 20 minutes to 45 minutes depending upon size and nature of the ensemble. Keyboard accompanists will be available if needed.
Submission Deadlines: November 1, 2016 For Performance Proposals; December 1, 2016 For Paper Proposals
Please send proposals to:
Symposium Program Committee: Stewart Carter, Trevor Herbert, Jeff Nussbaum, Keith Polk, Bradley Strauchen.